Angelo Copia EmeritusCardinal
He/Him - AFABBad hip (uses a cane to get around)
Nephilim / AntichristusAutistic
Pansexual - PanromanticDiligent
Lawful NeutralInsidious

Most people in the clergy view the Cardinal as nothing more than a bumbling idiot - this couldn't be further from the truth. While he is clumsy and socially stunted, he holds unimaginable power behind his underdog mask. Copia speaks with the rats that follow him around like the pied piper - he has eyes and ears everywhere. Be careful who you bully in middle school, they say.

Copia knows not who his parents are and, thus, is unaware of the true nature of his status. He was born to the leader of the Satanic church, Papa Emeritus Nihil; and his wife (now ex-wife) Sister Imperator. Due to their union being official in the eyes of Satan, and Nihil being Satan's vessel, that would make Copia the Antichrist.However, Imperator never told a soul that she became pregnant, as on the night she was to announce her pregnancy to her husband, she witnessed him with another woman. She left that particular branch of the church and gave birth to the Antichrist (who was born as a female) in secret. Copia isn't even aware that she is his mother, but she still guides him as his "supervisor." The birthmark on his chest is his only hint towards his true identity and power.Raised in the church, Copia was very devout. He spent most of his time in the library, researching under the watchful eyes of the church's higher ups. Throughout his early years, he would be picked on for his appearance, his interests, and his devotion to Satan.As he grew older, Copia would be transferred to work under the watch of Sister Imperator, eventually being promoted up to the position of Cardinal. Pleased with the progress he had made, Imperator made preperations to take Copia overseas and return to the Ministry in order to prepare him for his role as Papa.Upon arriving, Copia was met with the news that Papa Emeritus III was forcefully removed from his role as the frontman for Ghost - Copia was made to take his place, wherein he found he enjoyed the endless praise of Ghost's devoted fandom.

Angelo Copia EmeritusAnti-pope
He/Him - AFABHas had many cosmetic surgeries
Nephilim / AntichristusAutistic
Pansexual - PanromanticCocky
Neutral EvilSelf-loathing

Having been promoted to the head of the church, Copia has the weight of the world on his back. Knowing the gruesome fate of the Papas before him, he is always looking over his shoulder. To him, anyone could be his enemy. There is no one he can trust; not even himself... It's a lonely existence. His mind deteriorates into paranoid breakdowns very frequently... When he isn't crying himself to sleep, he's playing video games and drinking out of juice boxes.

Copia knows not who his parents are and, thus, is unaware of the true nature of his status. He was born to the leader of the Satanic church, Papa Emeritus Nihil; and his wife (now ex-wife) Sister Imperator. Due to their union being official in the eyes of Satan, and Nihil being Satan's vessel, that would make Copia the Antichrist.However, Imperator never told a soul that she became pregnant, as on the night she was to announce her pregnancy to her husband, she witnessed him with another woman. She left that particular branch of the church and gave birth to the Antichrist (who was born as a female) in secret. Copia isn't even aware that she is his mother, but she still guides him as his "supervisor." The birthmark on his chest is his only hint towards his true identity and power.Raised in the church, Copia was very devout. He spent most of his time in the library, researching under the watchful eyes of the church's higher ups. Throughout his early years, he would be picked on for his appearance, his interests, and his devotion to Satan.As he grew older, Copia would be transferred to work under the watch of Sister Imperator, eventually being promoted up to the position of Cardinal. Pleased with the progress he had made, Imperator made preperations to take Copia overseas and return to the Ministry in order to prepare him for his role as Papa.Upon arriving, Copia was met with the news that Papa Emeritus III was forcefully removed from his role as the frontman for Ghost - Copia was made to take his place, wherein he found he enjoyed the endless praise of Ghost's devoted fandom.Whilst Copia was on tour with the band, Imperator was behind the scenes plotting the next step up for her beloved son. After informing Nihil that the Cardinal was in fact of his blood, Imperator saw to it that the previous three brothers would be put to rest (to ensure Copia's guarunteed promotion into Papacy.)At the end of his tour, Copia would be annointed as Papa Emeritus IV... But with the power came the paranoia. Now, Copia lives constantly looking over his shoulder, knowing his time may be limited... Still unaware of the infernal power he holds within.

Father Paul Hill (Monsignor John Michael Pruitt)Priest (Msgr)
He/Him - AMABUnaware of vampirism
80 (phys 47)Formerly suffering from dementia
Swedish, AmericanSelfless
Asexual - demiromanticPious
Neutral GoodRighteous

A beacon of perfect priesthood, Paul is the kind of man that anyone and everyone should look up to. He's the shoulder to cry on, as well as the voice of reason to put you in your place. He dedicates his life to God, but in the back of his mind, there are other things that trouble him...

For several decades, the man known as Monsignor John Michael Pruitt was the devout leader of St. Patrick's church, located on the small island of Crockett, just off the coast of Washington.He was renowned as an amazing pastor, though as he grew older, his health deteriorated - his mind succumbed to the grasp of dementia, which left him a shell of the man he once was.Sent on a pilgrimage to the holy land at the age of 87, Paul found himself wandering from his initial destination. Led through a sandstorm by pure intuition, the old man found refuge in the ruins of a temple beneath the sand.There, he was met by an angel.He was frightened by the angel's terrifying appearance - though that was to be expected, as per the descriptions of angelic figures in the bible.The angel leapt forward and sunk its teeth into the Monsignor's neck, then gave to him its blood.
With it, came new life.
A clear mind.
A young body.
A new opportunity.
A miracle.
He brought the angel - and its miracle - home with him.

  • Joseph Joestar

  • He/Him - AMAB

  • 68

  • Human

  • British

  • Pansexual - panromantic

  • 6'5

  • ENTP

  • Chaotic Good

  • Hamon user

  • Stand user

  • Real estate agent

  • Historian

  • ADHD

  • Lighthearted

  • Stubborn

  • Opinionated

  • Tactical

  • Playful

Joseph is a whirlwind of senior energy. Having been a world-saving force of nature in his prime, he kept his cocky and playful demeanor up into his elder years. Despite being a successful businessman, he's rather childish; he loves to play video games, pull pranks, crack jokes, and flirt rather frivolously despite having a wife... Even if he tends to be airheaded, he knows very well when to be serious.

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